Minutes of the Annual General Meeting on Thursday 18th March 2021 held via Zoom
Due to the restrictions caused by the Pandemic this AGM was conducted on-line; the Committee decided not to expect members attending to vote this year due to the difficulties of some members not knowing how to vote on the computer. The Chairman’s report and the Treasurer’s report were sent in advance to all members who had a computer.
Officers of the Society, the appointment of the Auditor plus acceptance of last year’s Minutes and Accounts were all Proposed and Seconded by those attending the AGM. The existing Committee members were re-elected with the exception of Jon Segar, who was not seeking re-election as Group Secretary and Judy Templeton, Member’s Representative.
We asked members who attended the AGM to contact us if they had any objections to those who had been re-elected to the Committee. No objections were received.
Jon Segar and Judy Templeton were thanked for their contribution to the Committee.
The next AGM will be held on March 12th 2022 ST Peter’s Baptist Church Worcester WR5 3TZ