Minutes of the annual general meeting of the Worcestershire group of the Hardy Plant Society, held at Crowle Parish Hall on Saturday March 11, 2017.
Proposed by Margaret Stone. Seconder - Ann Sheppard. Passed.
To consider matters arising. None. To receive the Chairman’s report. Copy attached for archive. To receive and adopt the accounts for the financial year ending 31st December 2016. Plus the Bacs amendment to our banking arrangements. This was read out by the Treasurer. A copy of the accounts was circulated to members present to inspect. A paper copy of accounts and the amendment to the Constitution attached for the archive. Proposer - John McGhee. Seconded by Ann Hooper. Passed. Election of Officers• Mick Dunstan, having served for three years as Speaker Secretary, put himself forward as Chairman. Proposer – Lyn Maile. Seconded by Judy Pollitt. Passed.
• Richard King, having served for two years as Membership Secretary put himself forward for the office of Treasurer. In future the Committee have agreed that the two roles will be combined as they were in the past. Proposer - Jan Vaughan. Seconded by Judith Davies. Passed.
• Stephanie Reader, having served for two years as part of the Publicity Secretary role put herself forward as Speaker Secretary. Proposer - Jayne Savage. Seconded by Mick Dunstan. Passed.
• Trisha King put herself forward as Programme Secretary. Proposer - Lyn Maile. Seconded by Mick Dunstan. Passed.
Election of Committee – the following have offered to serve on the Committee for the next 12 months:• Lyn Maile, having served for two years offered herself for re-election as Secretary. Proposer – David Pollitt. Seconded by Roger Smith. Passed.
• David Pollitt having served for two years has offered himself for re-election as Newsletter Editor. Proposer – John McGhee. Seconded by Pippa Hilton. Passed.
• Jayne Savage having served for two years has offered herself for re-election as Publicity Secretary. Proposer – Marilyn Wrightson. Seconded by Andrea Bolton. Passed.
Due to the amalgamation of the Treasurer and Membership Secretary roles, the Committee now numbers seven persons. We have room for one more committee member from the membership.
Election of an independent examiner of accountsMr Johnathan Davies was proposed by Roger Smith
Seconded by John McGhee
To transact any other Business – there was no other businessThe next AGM will be held on 10th March 2018