Minutes of the Annual general meeting held at Crowle Village Hall on Saturday 12th March 2016, commencing at 2pm.

Present were Jan Vaughan, Chairman, Lyn Maile, Secretary and 46 members.

  1. Apologies were received from Roger Smith, Treasurer. Julia Dale, Sue Chitty and Sue Arnold.
  2. To receive and adopt the minutes of the AGM on 14th March 2015.


  3. Matters arising. None.
  4. Chairman’s report, please see attached.
  5. To receive and adopt the accounts for the financial year ending 31st December 2015. Please see attached Roger’s report which was read out by Jan. A copy of the accounts was circulated for members present to inspect.

    Proposer – John McGhee

    Seconder – Trish King


  6. Election of Officers

    Jan Vaughan having served for two years as Chairman offered herself for re-election;

    Proposer – Alwyn Stanley

    Seconder – Richard King


    Lyn Maile, having served for one year offered herself for re-election as Secretary. Roger Smith having served for two years offered himself for re-election as Treasurer:

    Proposer – John McGhee

    Seconder – Mick Dunston


  7. Election of Committee

    Mick Dunston, having served for less than three years offered himself for re-election as Speaker Secretary;

    Proposer – Judith Doughty

    Seconder – Trish King


    David Pollitt – having been co-opted onto the committee in 2015 offered himself for election as Newsletter Editor:

    Proposer – Katherine Elrick - Smith

    Seconder – Jackie Davies


    Marilyn Wrightson having served for more than three years did not offer herself for re-election. Stephanie Reader and Jayne Savage have offered to share the role of Publicity Secretary.

    Proposer: Marilyn Wrightson

    Seconder: Mick Dunston


    Judith Davies will serve one more year as Programme Secretary.

    Richard King will continue as Membership Secretary.

  8. Election of an independent examiner of accounts

    Mr Jonathan Davies was proposed by John McGhee and seconded by Trish King.


  9. There was no other business.