Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Saturday 10th March 2012, commencing at 2 pm.
Forty-four members attended and three visitors.
Proposer: Judy Pollitt
Seconder: Sue Chitty
Presenting her first report as Chairman, Mrs Drewitt looked back on a very full year of events, the highlight of which had been the garden tour of Sussex and Kent organised by David Pollitt. Another wonderful day had been the annual outing in May to The Laskett and The Old Corn Mill in Herefordshire – two very different gardens but most rewarding. Thanks were owed to Sue Chitty for arranging this and the other outings she had organised in past years. There had been coffee mornings at three members’ gardens - Pippa Hilton, Kathryn Elrick Smith and Jackie Davis - and they were thanked for their hospitality and three very enjoyable mornings.
A new venture had been the stand at Spetchley Plant Fair in April where a small display was staged by Pippa Hilton with plants kindly lent by Bob Brown. The Group also represented the HPS at the Autumn Malvern Show where Pippa again arranged a plant display with plants lent by Robin Pearce.
All these activities offered members excellent value for their subscriptions. Worcestershire, it was claimed, was a small but very lively group and members were urged to participate in the life of the Group to the full. At present a new newsletter editor was sought to take over from Judith Doughty. He or she would have a free hand as to how it was organised and help would be forthcoming from the committee.
Finally, the Chairman thanked her committee for their support over the year – David Pollitt for his work as Secretary and John McGhee as Treasurer, Julia Dale for dealing with membership issues and organising refreshments, Marilyn Wrightson, Speakers Secretary, who produced such a good programme, Celia Guest for organising coffee mornings and the raffle, Lynda Niccolls, Publicity Officer, and lastly, but not least, Colin Doughty, Webmaster, who ensures that Worcestershire Group's website is one of the best.
Other people deserving thanks were Judith Doughty for editing the Group’s lively newsletter, Pippa Hilton for the displays at Spetchley and Malvern, and Margaret Lewis and Judith Pollitt for manning the plant stalls at meetings. Lastly, thanks were owed to all the loyal members, who attended meetings and supported events, even when glorious weather might have tempted them into their gardens.
The Treasurer explained that it had not been possible for the Examiner to approve the accounts prior to the meeting due to his prolonged absence abroad. Adoption of the Accounts would therefore be held over until the next AGM.
The draft Accounts again showed a small surplus for the year. Leaving aside extraordinary income, largely derived from garden tours and visits and amounting to £402, the figures showed regular income, primarily from subscriptions, and expenditure substantially in balance. There was therefore no immediate need to increase the membership subscription. Speakers fees, and in particular travel expenses, however continued a steep upward rise which, combined with higher hall rental fees, would necessitate careful monitoring in the future.
Proposed for re-election were Bev Drewitt as Chairman and John McGhee as Treasurer
Proposer: David Pollitt
Seconder: Judith Pollitt
David Pollitt resigned as Secretary. Judith Doughty offered herself for election to the post.
Seconder: David Pollitt
Marilyn Wrightson, Julia Dale, Celia Guest, and Lynda Niccolls, having served for less than three years, offered themselves for re-election.
Seconder: Delia Hargrave
Colin Doughty, having served for three years as Webmaster, and there being no other nominations, offered himself for re-election.
Seconder: Martie Illingworth
Mr Jonathan Davies was proposed by John McGhee and seconded by Vivienne McGhee
The meeting closed at 14.10pm.