Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Saturday 12 March 2011, commencing at 2 p.m.
Fifty-one members attended and four visitors.
Proposer: Judy Pollitt
Seconder: Sue Chitty
Resigning after three years in the Chair and a total of seven years' service on the Committee, Mrs Dale reflected on the changes she had seen over that period and rejoiced in having been part of such a vibrant committee. Today she saw a Group whose loyalty and enthusiasm were reflected in a level of support at meetings and events that was the envy of many other groups.
In thanking the Committee and membership as a whole for their support, the Chairman singled out the following for special mention: Angela Downton for producing a varied and challenging set of talks on wide-ranging topics, a task now being taken over by Marilyn Wrightson, Sue Chitty for managing the refreshments rota and, more importantly, a series of coach outings to some outstanding gardens, David Pollitt for his annual garden tours and duties as Secretary, Margaret Lewis, John and Vivienne McGhee and Lynda Niccolls for hosting last year’s coffee mornings, Colin and Judith Doughty for producing the Group’s colourful and informative newsletters and managing the Group’s splendid web site, John McGhee for his professional management of the Group’s finances and last, but not least, Bev Drewitt and David who, amongst other things, organised the Group’s participation at the Worcester Flower Show.
In closing Mrs Dale wished the Group every success in the future and looked forward to enjoying the meetings as an ‘ordinary’ member.
The Treasurer presented the accounts for 2010 which showed a small surplus. The overall result was considered satisfactory. It was noted that the surpluses from outside garden visits were excluded from Income.
A five-year review had been included to highlight trends in income and expenditure over the period. Attention was drawn to a decline in income from plant sales as well as the raffle and the Treasurer urged the membership to support these activities. Income from plant supports rose due to receipt of two large orders. Expenditure on speakers rose by almost 50% reflecting an increase in both fees and travel costs.
The accounts were formally adopted.
Proposer: Jackie Davies
Seconder: Alan Hale
Standing down by rotation: Mrs Becky Dale, Chairman
Mrs Bev Drewitt was proposed by David Pollitt and seconded by Mrs R. Dale and voted in unanimously.
The remaining Officers, having offered to stand for re-election were voted in en bloc.
Proposer: John Watts
Seconder: Pippa Hilton
Due to stand down by rotation were Angela Downton and Sue Chitty.
Nominations had been received for Celia Guest, Lynda Niccolls and Julia Dale, seconded by David Pollitt, Bev Drewitt and John McGhee, all of whom were duly elected.
The remaining committee members namely, Colin Doughty, Marilyn Wrightson were duly re-elected.
Proposer: Lynda Niccolls
Seconder: Thelma Lole
Mr Jonathan Davies was proposed by David Pollitt and seconded by Jacqui Farqui and duly elected as independent examiner.
Alwyn Stanley felt that the £2 charge for coffee and refreshments should be increased, but the feeling of the meeting was that this would be contrary to the spirit of these gatherings which was more social rather than fund-raising. The Committee promised to consider.
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 2.25 p.m.