Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held Saturday 9th May 2009 at Peopleton Village Hall, commencing at 2pm.

Forty-two members were present plus nine visitors.

  1. Apologies for absence were received from John Bryant, Alwyn Stanley, Pippa Hilton and Josie Wilkinson.
  2. To receive and adopt the minutes of the AGM held on 10th May 2008

    Proposed by Mr. A. Hale

    Seconded by Mrs. J. Doughty


  3. Matters arising – none
  4. Chairman’s Report.

    Mrs. Dale looked back on a busy year, with pleasurable, well-attended meetings and good speakers. She thanked her officers and the other members of the committee for their sterling work and support; Wendy Richards, assisted by Leila Mantle, for arranging the speakers, Sue Chitty for organizing teas and now visits, Angela Downton for running the raffle, Bev Drewitt for coffee mornings and, not least, Colin Doughty for managing one of the best group websites in the HPS.

    Vivienne McGhee was thanked for producing an excellent newsletter for the last two years, a role to be taken over by Judith Doughty, as was Margaret Lewis for running the donated plant sales table which made a valuable contribution to group funds.

    The sub-committee, headed by Vivienne McGhee and tasked with organizing the Worcestershire Group-hosted Autumn Study Weekend, was also thanked for its efforts.

    Finally the Chairman thanked the membership for their contribution at meetings, visits and activities and looked forward to an equally successful year for the Group in 2009.

  5. To receive and adopt the accounts of the preceding financial year

    Having circulated the accounts, the Treasurer drew attention to the increase in the Group’s reserves from £3,259.50 in 2007/8 to £3,765.55 in 2008/9 reflecting a very satisfactory year for the Group. The apparent shortfall in subscriptions/entry fees was due to the method of booking income from these sources in the previous year which had led to an overstatement in that year.

    There being no questions from the floor the accounts were formally adopted.

    Proposed by Mrs. L. Fernyhough

    Seconded by Mrs. J. Pollitt

  6. To transact any other business of which 21 day’s notice had been given.


  7. Election of officers

    The officers having offered to stand for re-election were voted in en bloc.

    Proposed by Mrs. M .Lewis

    Seconded by Mrs. C. Barnes

  8. Election of Committee

    Mrs. W. Richards stood down by rotation.

    Mrs. M. Wrightson was proposed by Mrs. S. Deakin and seconded by D. Pollitt and duly elected.

    The remainder of the committee, namely, Mrs. A. Downton, Mrs. B. Drewitt, Mrs. S. Chitty and Mr. C. Doughty were re-elected en bloc.

    Proposed by Mrs. L. Arnold

    Seconded by Mrs. L. Mantle

  9. To elect an independent examiner of accounts.

    Mr. Jonathan Davies was proposed by Mrs. J. Davies, seconded by Mrs. L. Thorpe and duly elected as independent examiner.

  10. To vote on the proposed amendment to the Constitution as follows:

    Delete: “The financial year of the Group shall end on 31st March.”

    Add: “ The financial year of the Group shall end on 31st December.”

    The amendment was passed unanimously.

    Proposed by Mrs. W. Richards

    Seconded by Mrs. B. Drewitt

Mrs. V. McGhee reminded the Committee of the requirement to hold the AGM within 3 months of the end of the financial year.

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 2.20 pm.

David Pollitt, Secretary