Minutes of the Annual General meeting held Saturday, 10 May 2008 at 2.30 p.m. at Peopleton Village Hall
Apologies for absence were received from Angela Downton, Rosemary McCollum and Myra Cowdry.
To receive and adopt the minutes of the AGM's held 20. May 2006 and 12. May 2007.
Proposed by: Mrs. B. Drewitt
Seconded by Mrs. W. Richards
Matters arising -- none
Chairman's report
Sue Deakin reported a very busy year for the Group with a full programme of talks and events that included the tour of East Anglia, a series of coffee mornings, for which she thanked the hosts, and an enjoyable Christmas Party. The summer garden party had unfortunately been a victim of the floods. The Group had also witnessed a number of changes such as the move to Peopleton and a revision in the arrangements for selling plants. In this context she thanked Liz Nicklin and Kate Phillips for their valuable contribution over the years.
Looking to the future, 2008 promised to be equally full year with a sub-committee formed to plan for an Autumn Weekend to be hosted by the Group in 2009. Thanks went to all members who had contributed in their various ways and in particular to the Committee.
To receive and adopt the accounts of the preceding financial year
Becky Dale apologized for minor errors in the accounts that had been produced in haste. Whilst the previous format had been followed, this was misleading since the heading 'Receipts and Payments' implied a cash-book system whereas 'Income and Expenditure' suggested formal accounts followed by the balance sheet.
This contradiction had produced a misleading picture caused by the change from a basic subscription to one incorporating the previous entry charge to meetings. Since subscriptions become due on 1. January and the accounting year is to 31. March, income in 2007 was overstated leading to a large surplus. 75% of the declared subscription income would normally have been accrued to cover costs falling in 2008/9.
Leaving that distortion aside, income had been very satisfactory with substantial increases from plant sales, (incl. plant supports) as well as coffee mornings. The East Anglian trip generated a small surplus to be retained as a contingency for future trips.
To avoid possible future anomalies in the accounts, the Treasurer recommended changing the accounting year to 31. December to coincide with the memberships' year. Whilst thanking the examiner, Jonathan Davies, for his work, she also suggested, for convenience, finding a locally based examiner for future years.
The accounts were formally adopted. Proposer Mrs. L. Thorpe, Seconder Mrs. V. McGhee.
To transact any other business of which 21 day's notice had been given
Election of Committee
Mrs. S. Deakin wished to stand down, as did Mrs. V. McGhee, by rotation.
Mr. J. McGhee was proposed by Mr. D. Pollitt, seconded by Mrs. J. Davies and elected.
There were no further nominations for the remaining vacancy.
The remainder of the Committee i.e. Mr. D. Pollitt, Mrs. B. Dale, Mrs. A. Downton, Mrs. W. Richards, Mrs. B. Drewitt and Mrs. S. Chitty, being willing to continue, were re-elected en bloc. Proposer: Mrs. P. Hilton. Seconder: Mrs. J. Davies.
Election of Officers
Mrs. B. Dale was nominated for the post of Chairman. Proposer: Mr. D. Pollitt, Seconder: Mr. J. McGhee, and elected.
Mr. J. McGhee was elected Treasurer, proposed by Mrs. J. Constant, seconded by Mrs. P. Hilton.
Mr. D. Pollitt was re-elected Secretary, proposed by Mr. A. Hale, seconded by Mrs. J. Doughty.
Elect an independent examiner of accounts
As no proposal had been received it was agreed that this matter together with the change in the accounting year be held over and dealt with at an extraordinary general meeting.
Any other business
Mrs. S. Chitty wished to record her thanks to all those who had helped with the refreshments.
On behalf of the membership, Mrs. J. Constant and Mrs. V. McGhee thanked the retiring Chairman for her good work during her two-year tenure and in particular for creating a friendly atmosphere at meetings as well as presiding over a spirited committee during a time of change.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 2.25 p.m.
41 members attended.
David Pollitt,
14. May 2008