Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held in Drakes Broughton Village Hall on Saturday 12. May 2007, commencing 2 p.m.


Attendance: 40


  1. Apologies for absence


Apologies were received from Beryl Burton, Pippa Hilton, Colin and Judith Doughty, Tim and Margaret Harris, Penny Davies, Rosemary McCollum, and Leslie Tanner.


  1. To receive and adopt the minutes of the AGM held on 20. May 2006.


Due to a clerical error these had not been distributed to the membership.


  1. Matters arising – none.


  1. Chairman’s Report


Sue Deakin reported a busy and enjoyable year with a full programme of talks, outside visits and social events. She thanked all those who had made a positive contribution to the Group throughout the year and looked forward to seeing it continue to thrive and develop assisted by the move to new premises in the summer.

The Chairman also reported a late surge in membership to 94 and urged members to recruit new members among their circle of acquaintances.


  1. To receive and adopt the accounts of the preceding financial year.


John Bryant as Treasurer reported lower receipts under virtually all headings, attributable in part to the reduced number of indoor meetings during the summer period. This factor in turn accounted for lower expenses on the payments side producing a deficit of £33.67. Income from membership subscriptions however also fell marking a reduction in membership. The balance for the East Anglia Tour could be ignored for the present as this money would later be paid out.

The overall result was considered satisfactory as the Group had substantial reserves and sought merely to break even on a year-on-year basis. Costs were rising however, in particular those of speakers, and the new venue, too, was more expensive. It was anticipated that the membership subscription would need to be raised in12 months time to meet these increases.


Having served for seven years as Treasurer, John Bryant announced his intention to stand down and was thanked by the Chairman and membership for his sterling work over that period.

Adoption of the accounts was proposed by Jean Grinell, seconded by Hugh Blundstone and passed unanimously.


  1. To transact any other business of which at least 21 day’s notice had been given




  1. Election of officers.


Chairman. Sue Deakin was proposed by Jackie Davies as Chairman for a second year and seconded by Gillian Stone. Passed unanimously


Treasurer. John Bryant stood down. Becky Dale was proposed by John Bryant, seconded by Jackie Davies. Passed unanimously.


Secretary. David Pollitt offered to continue as Secretary.


  1. Election of committee


Gillian Stone, wishing to stand down, was thanked by the Chairman for her valuable contribution to the Group as a committee member over a number of years. The remaining members of the committee, namely Vivienne McGhee and Wendy Richards, being entitled and willing to serve a further year, were voted back jointly.

Proposer: Delia Hargrave. Seconder: Becky Dale. Passed unanimously.


Nominations had been received for three new committee members who were unanimously voted onto the committee as follows:


Angela Downton. Proposed by Wendy Richards, seconded by Hugh Blundstone


Bev Drewitt. Proposed by Kate Phillips, seconded by Liz Nicklin


Sue Chitty. Proposed by John McGhee, seconded by Gillian Stone


The Chairman took the opportunity to report that Colin Doughty had offered to act as Webmaster.


  1. Elect an independent examiner of the accounts.


Jonathan Davies was thanked for his past work. It was proposed that he be asked to examine the accounts for the coming year. Proposer Gillian Stone, seconder Vivienne McGhee. Passed unanimously.


There being no other business, the meeting closed at 2.35 p.m.


Following conclusion of the AGM the membership present voted on a motion to authorise the committee, if deemed necessary, to increase the membership subscription from the present £2.50 to £5.00. After some discussion, the motion was passed, 39 votes for and one against.