MINUTES OF THE A.G.M. OF THE WORCESTERSHIRE GROUP OF THE HARDY PLANT SOCIETY held in Drakes Broughton Village Hall on 20th, May 2006


Apologies: J. Bryant, L. Mantle, A. Stanley, P. Hilton, B. Dennis, M. Andrews, D. Hargrave, A. Stevens.


1.   To receive and adopt the minutes of the A.G.M's held in May 2004 and May 2005.

May 2004 - proposed by R. Dale, seconded by J. Davies

May 2005 - proposed by M. Dickinson, seconded by A. Hale


2.   Matter arising - none


3.   Chairman's Report

Hugh Blundstone said it had been a busy and enjoyable three years being in the Chair and arranging the programme. Under the terms of the Group Constitution, he was standing down. He thanked all the members of the Committee for the help and support they had given him. Hugh then made a presentation of a tree, CERCIS Forest Pansy, to Jackie Davies who had edited the biannual newsletter for ten years since the formation of the Group. Jackie was now taking a well-earned retirement and was thanked by applause from the members.


4.   To receive and adopt the annual accounts of the preceding financial year: proposed by J. Smith, seconded by J. Constant

In the absence of the Treasurer, John Bryant, a written report was submitted and a copy is attached.*


5.   To transact any other business of which at least 21 days notice has been given.

Proposal: we propose that the Committee look into the possibility of using the first Saturday of the month for monthly meetings. This would avoid clashes with both the West Midlands and Western Counties groups. Proposed - Mrs. Margaret Harris, seconded - Mr John Watts

It was pointed out by Jackie Davies and the Group Secretary, Beryl Burton, that the West Midlands Group used both the second and third Saturdays for meetings according to which came closer to the dates they used. Jackie said that when the Worcestershire Group was formed, care had been taken to avoid the meeting dates of neighbouring groups. Members pointed out that first Saturdays would involve Bank Holidays when members would be busy with families etc. After some discussion the Chairman asked for a show of hands for for, against and abstentions. The result was for – 0, against - 16, abstentions - 11. The proposal was therefore defeated.


6.   Election of Officers:

Chairman: Sue Deakin, proposed by H. Blundstone, seconded by J. Constant. Sue then took the Chair. Secretary: David Pollitt, proposed by B. Burton, seconded by J. Davis

Treasurer: J. Bryant had expressed willingness to remain in office, there were no other nomination.

Committee: G. Stone, R. Dale, and V. McGhee were all willing to remain committee members. Sue appealed for members to come forward to help run the Group. Wendy Richards agreed and was proposed by H. Blundstone, seconded by V. McGhee. There were no other volunteers and the Committee remained one member short.

Sue thanked the retiring Chairman, Hugh, and retiring Secretary, Beryl Burton for all their hard work during the three years of their office.


7.   To elect an independent examiner of the accounts. Jon Davies had been examiner for two years and was willing to carry on. He was proposed by G. Stone, seconded by R. Dale.


8.   Any Other Business: no issue raised here can be decided or voted upon until the following A.G.M. or an E.G.M., the required notice having been given.

Meeting venue: R. Dale wondered whether alternative accommodation could be considered. She felt that the present hall was cold, the heating noisy, the curtains inadequate for showing slides, the electricity supply in the kitchen unreliable and the crockery chipped and old. Hugh Blundstone said that the N.C.C.P.G. had looked into moving from Pershore College but found it very difficult to find a venue which fulfilled all the required criteria as well as good parking and reasonable cost. He suggested that the new committee should look into the matter. Double booking: G. Stone requested that the village hall management should be asked to make sure that the hall is always kept for the Group's use only when booked on a Saturday afternoon. She said that on a recent occasion, the committee had arrived to find the hall set up for a party which inconvenienced the Group due to shortage of tables There was no other business and Sue closed the meeting at 2.45 p.m.


*Secretary's note: copies were circulated at the A.G.M. The report is available for inspection on request.